With the Samsung Galaxy S4 now unveiled and getting ready to be shipped next month, the rival companies are trying a counterattack by launching rumors about devices that might be strong competitors for the South Korean latest flagship smartphone. Most of the rumors are involving the mysterious Motorola X Phone, which is reportedly going to be available as a customizable device. However, the X Phone is not the only rumored phone that will come carrying the Google brand, because it turns out that the Nexus 5 will also be launched in the near future.
So, the story goes like this: tech website Android and Me has received a leaked photo from an anonymous source that is allegedly featuring the new LG Nexus 5. It seems that the new smartphone has the codename LG Megalodon and it includes some very impressive specs, that seems way to good to be true.
Anyway, according to the mentioned publication, the Google Nexus 5 will sport a 5.2-inch OLED screen with a pixel resolution of 1920 x 1080. The phablet-like handset will be powered by the best Qualcomm-made processor namely the Snapdragon 800 clocked at 2.3 Ghz. The Nexus 5 will be available in three distinct variants depending on the amount of on-board storage namely the 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB. It will also come with a more than impressive 16 MP primary camera which it seems to be capable to record full HD video at 60FPS and that will feature optical image stabilization, BSI 2.0 and Real Time HDR & HDR video recording.
The Nexus 5 will also include 3 GB of LPDDR3 RAM and a secondary shooter located in the front that will have 2.1 megapixels and will be able to record 1080p video. The battery of the LG Nexus 5 is going to be outstanding as well, being a 3300 mAh one. In terms of connectivity, the smartphone will come with the new Qualcomm RF360 (LTE 150 Mbps & HSPA+) and an integrated DVB_T / ATSC-antenna. Among other features, the Nexus 5 will also include front located stereo speakers and Gesture like controls (navigation, zoom).
The report doesn’t say what iteration of Android OS will the Nexus 5 run, but we expect that the new Google flagship to come running Android 5.0 Key Like Pie right out of the box.
If the Nexus 5 does come out in this form, it will be the most spectacular smartphone on the market, but since the rumor can’t be verified in any way, this probably is a fake leak. Yes, these specs are dreamy at all levels and they represent what any user would want on its smartphone, but the thing is that some of the hardware pieces aren’t included in none of the existing devices. Other are expected to ship in the second half of the year. For instance, Qualcomm has stated that its best CPU, the Snapdragon 800, will be boasted by a smartphone sometime before the end of 2013, as well as the RFf360.
Even though the reports is most likely cooked, it’s worth mentioning it because some of the specs might actually be a part of the next Nexus phone. And a so-called Nexus 5 is probably going to exist as the partnership between LG and Google has been a very successful one in spite of the problematic launch of the Nexus 4. So, why not go forward with something that was very appealing to the public?
The conclusion is even if today’s news is fake, this doesn’t mean that we won’t see the Nexus 5 soon. With the Google I/O event being held in May, when the internet giant is expected to reveal the new Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie, I don’t see why the company wouldn’t launch a new smartphone as well.
There have been plenty of rumors saying that there is friction between Google and Samsung because of the Korean’s company having more and more influence in the Android world. If indeed has a problem with Samsung, it surely the next move would be to come up with a device that could stop the Galaxy S4 hysteria. The only question is whether the company will launch the Nexus 5 or the Xphone.
If more rumors concerning either of the phones appear, we will immediately let you know.
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